Laos' Hydrological Project

Time:2008-07-21 15:24  Source:未知  Writer:admin   
In September,2007 Yatai begins its Airborn Laser service in Lao's hydrological project. It is the first time for Yatai applied Lidar technology in hydroglogy abroad.
Laos has a tropical climate. The rainy season runs between July and October, when high humidity can also be expected and the cloud always linger in the mountain area,where the dam planned to be located. The platform for this project is helicopter. Because of the mountainous tophography, some times our GPS base station team have to drive hours to collect data during the flight mission.
Despite all these difficulties,Yatai finished data acquisition in 15 days and the DEM,DOM data has transfered to the project owner within 10 days.The transection in surveyed area is particularly important to the dam designer.Based on the lidar data the customer can get the accurate 3D profile and can calculate the earthwork of the dam area. Our speed and data quality has impressed the customer. 
through the project, we have gained precious experience in our overseas market of Lidar technology.

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